Professor Giuseppe Gelsomino’s SHADOW DETECTIVES is a licensed detective agency established in 1981, with headquarters in Milano San Felice.
Directed by Giuseppe Gelsomino, a criminology professor as well as a detective with 50 years of extensive practical and academic experience in the commercial, civil, scientific and penal fields, operating throughout the Italian territory and in many countries all over the world.

SHADOW DETECTIVES  carried out several successful operations in close collaboration with the Italian police forces: Polizia, Carabinieri and Dia (Direzione Investigativa Antimafia).
Many innocent people have been saved from judicial errors, regarding infamous accusations of murder, fraud, theft, threats, extortion;  in several cases Giuseppe Gelsomino managed to identify and report to the Police the true perpetrators of those crimes.

SHADOW DETECTIVES is at the service of Italian and foreign citizens – of any nationality – who need a cognitive investigation of facts and circumstances useful for the reconstruction of the HISTORICAL TRUTH of an event which may have led to the emergence of an investigation or proceeding.

For these reasons, cognitive investigations are carried out concerning the person – or persons – in question.
Such investigations are carried out by a broad range of activities, such as: documentary research, inspections, evaluation of texts, searching out witnesses, identification of the actual perpetrators of the crime. Only with these activities, carried out with integrity and professionalism, it will be possible to demonstrate someone’s INNOCENCE in court.

Shadow Detectives relies on the collaboration of the best universities and the most accredited consultants, using latest-generation investigative methods and technologies such as:
visual and GPS tracking services, logging service with special investigative tools, recordings, videos, photographs, collection of documents of any nature useful for the procedure, finding objects or documents from the dustbin, infiltrating agents, detecting DNA evidence, microscopic examinations, fingerprints examination, anthropometric examination, ballistic examination, comparisons of impressions of any kind, graphological examinations, examinations of stains on objects or on fabrics etc. Analysis of various documents including photographs, films and handwritten signatures, analysis of recordings, study of telephone records, telephone and environmental reclamation, etc.
All our investigations are strictly classified, it is up to our customers can the decision to present in courtroom the evidence we gathered; Shadow Detectives fully responds legally, being able to prove that no laws were broken in order to obtain the informations which were uncovered.

Since our activity is covered by the maximum reserve, it is not possible to expose the various types of investigations and the innumerable strategies, which are adapted from time to time to the investigation to be carried out.
For this reason we suggest you to contact our office and ask for an appointment, where one of our managers will be able to assist you for a consultation.

English speaking persons should call the following mobile number:
